A Collection of numerous algorithms related to path planning.
Motion Planning with Matlab
“Motion planning” and “path planning” are often used interchangeably, but there is a key difference. Motion planning generates the vehicle’s motion as it changes position over time, whereas path planning only generates a path for the vehicle.
Several functional pieces:
Environment map using SLAM(simultaneous localisation and mapping)
State(position and orientation) of the robot or vehicle
The set of transformations that could be applied to a robot is called the state space or the configuration space
The configuration space can include free spaces (in which the robot states are considered to be valid) and obstacle spaces (in which the robot states are considered to be invalid)
example, in a self-driving car, the position of the car and its heading or orientation ollectively represent its state. For automated parking of a self-driving car, a map of the parking lot identifies the free and obstacle spaces, and the state space represents the set of all possible forward and reverse maneuvers defined using a motion model.
While a robot or vehicle is finding a path, each step it takes can be associated with a cost. The cost of traveling through free space is usually set as zero, and the cost of traveling hrough a space containing obstacles as infinity
A path planning algorithm is called optimal if it always finds an optimal path. For a path to be optimal, the sum of its transition costs (edge costs) must be minimal across all possible paths leading from the initial position to the goal position
A path planning algorithm is called complete if it takes a finite amount of time to find a Path (when one exists) and reports if no path exists.
Common Types of motion planning
Search Based Planning
Based on the way the search tree of graph is created
creates a searchable graph, with each vehicle state or configuration identified as a node. The graph expands from start to goal node using cost and heuristic-based approaches to find the shortest path.
Sampling based Planning
a search tree or road map is created by randomly adding nodes in the state space. Possible collision-free paths are found using a continuous motion model. Sampling-based planning often uses heuristics to explore the search space and bias the search direction. Once created, the tree or road map uses collision-checking or search methods to find the shortest path to goal.
Suitable for high-dimensional search spaces such as those used to find a valid set of configurations for a robot arm to pick up an object.
The probability of finding a solution (if one exists) converges to 1 if the density of the search tree brings the samples close enough together.
Global and Local path planning
Global path planning or map based planning
Involves finding an optimal path based on a priori knowledge of the environment.
Algorithms plans an initial path that avoids known and static obstacles in the environment.
Local path planning or dynamic replanning
Recalculates the path to avoid unknown and dynamic obstacles.
They track the global plan and create local trajectories while avoiding the newly introduce obstacles.
Four-Step motion planning workflow
Represent the state space
Define a state validator
Sample new states and check for validity
Represent a collection of valid states as path
Representing the STATE SPACE
State Space
Holonomic Robots
Robot Manipulators
Non-Holonomic vehicle with minimum turning radius
Non-holonomic vehicle with minimum turning radius
based on the state space and corresponds to the map obtained from the SLAM algorithm
It checks the validity of a state or the motion between two sampled states. For example, a collision checker is a type of state validator that indicates when a robot state or configuration is in collision with an obstacle.
State Validator
occupancyMap, binaryOccupancyMap
2D occupancy map
2D occupancy map
3D occupancy map
Sampling New States and Checking for Validity
randomly sample states in the defined state space and create an obstacle-free path from start to goal using the state validator. Algorithms such as RRT and PRM use different sampling schemes to sample the states and create a search tree or road map.