Distance Transform
Table of contents
Working of Algorithm
In this method, following should be carefully noted
- Goal destination is labelled with a distance value 0
- All other locations are labeled with high values
- Algo begins at the destination and each iteration visits all locations adjacent to locations visited in the previous iteration.
- Distance value for site ‘i’ adjacent to previously visited site ‘j’ is updated by
if map(i) occupied
d(i) = inf
d(i) = min[d(i), d(j)+c(i,j)]
where c(i,j) is the cost or distance with moving from site ‘i’ to site ‘j’
Matlab Code
% loading the house
load house;
% to use the distance transform for robot navigation we create a DXform
% object, which is derived from the Navigation class
dx = DXform(house);
% create a plan to reach a specific goal
% visualisation whose grey level at any point indicates the distance from
% that point to the goal, in grid cells, taking into account travel around
% obstacles
% disp('Travel from kitchen')
% dx.query(place.kitchen,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from garage')
% dx.query(place.garage,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from br1')
% dx.query(place.br1,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from br2')
% dx.query(place.br2,'animate')
% pause(2)
disp('Travel from br3')
% disp('Travel from nook')
% dx.query(place.nook,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from mudroom')
% dx.query(place.mudroom,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from patio')
% dx.query(place.patio,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from study')
% dx.query(place.study,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from garden')
% dx.query(place.garden,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from driveway')
% dx.query(place.driveway,'animate')
% pause(2)
% disp('Travel from living')
% dx.query(place.living,'animate')
% the plan is the distance map. Wherever the robot starts, it moves to the
% neighboring cell that has the smallest distance to the goal. The process
% is repeated until the robot reaches a cell with a distance value of zero
% which is the goal.
p = dx.query(place.br3);