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D* Algorithm - Wikipedia


Like Dijkstra’s algorithm and A, D maintains a list of nodes to be evaluated, known as the “OPEN list”. Nodes are marked as having one of several states:

  • NEW, meaning it has never been placed on the OPEN list
  • OPEN, meaning it is currently on the OPEN list
  • CLOSED, meaning it is no longer on the OPEN list
  • RAISE, indicating its cost is higher than the last time it was on the OPEN list
  • LOWER, indicating its cost is lower than the last time it was on the OPEN list

Focused D* Algorithm for Real-Time Replanning


  • Title: The focused D* Algorithm for Real-Time Replanning
  • URL: robotics CMU
  • Anthony Stentz Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon Institute

Highlights & Notes


  • Finding the lowest-cost path through a graph is central to many problems, including route planning for a mobile robot
  • As the robot acquires additional information via its sensors, it can revise its plan to reduce the total cost of the traverse.
  • During replanning, the robot must either wait for the new path to be computed or move in the wrong direction; therefore, rapid replanning is essential.
  • The D* algorithm (Dynamic A*) plans optimal traverses in real-time by incrementally repairing paths to the robot’s state as new information is discovered.


  • The problem of path planning can be stated as finding a sequence of state transitions through a graph from some initial state to a goal state, or determining that no such sequence exists